3. december 2018
December 3rd 2018

20. november 2018
November 20th 2018

Koroški vojvodski stol je srednjeveški kamniti stol iz devetega stoletja in se nahaja na Gosposvetskem polju pri Gospe Sveti severno od Celovca na avstrijskem Koroškem. Vojvodski prestol je edinstven primer prestola, ki z dvema sedežema predstavlja dvojno oblast, vojvodovo in kraljevo (cesarjevo), v čemer se odraža državnopravni položaj slovenske Karantanije ter njene naslednice vojvodine Koroške.

12. november 2018
November 12th 2018

17. oktober 2018
October 17th 2018

14. oktober 2018
October 14th 2018

13. oktober 2018
October 13th 2018

Mali Podi - svetlobno onesnaženje v Kamniško-Savinjskih Alpah
The light pollution in Kamnik-Savinja Alps

8. oktober 2018
October 8th 2018

It is going to be 26 years of running the internet e-learning project which helps with the spatial ability of the geographical or heritage locations. More or less by the coincidence it became the important internet face of the country. It was a „one man band“ project and although the similar projects with „heavy“ government financial support had appeared the project financed from the personal budget remained the core of the internet geographical and heritage presentation of Slovenia. Yes „I-We can“ and „I-We“ are still standing ;)
The internet is changing and the regular maintenance in essential – it takes „a lot“ of time ... but here „we are“ - the recent update of park nearby my home: Arboretum Volčji Potok. The „spatial“ experience of the Arboretum in all seasons of the year – from „dull“ November and festive December to bursting spring and fields of tulips and summer roses and sure September pumpkins... (most of the visualization was from year 2011) have a great virtual excursion to the one of the most beautiful parks in Europe, sLOVEnia, a great heart from the Sunny side of the Alps :

4. oktober 2018
October 4th 2018

Korzika - virtualna ekskurzija po četrtem največjem sredozemskem otoku.
Corsica - virtual excursiomn to the fourth largest island in Mediterran.

29. september 2018
September 29th 2018

Ljubljana: Glavna Pošta na Čopovi ulici - atrij
The Main Post office - the atrium

17. september 2018
September 17th 2018

Triglavski narodni park >
Bohinjsko jezero
Triglav national park >
Bohinjsko jezero (Bohinj Lake) - surround stereo, carboard ready

14. september 2018
September 14th 2018

WW2: Franz Jägerstätter

10. september 2018
September 10th 2018

od 10. julija 2018, ob 19. uri v Mestni hiši v Kranju do 31. avgusta 2018
Visualization of Archaeological exhibition:
Jewellery Remains Forever – Heritage our most precious Jewellery
Archeological jewellery from Belgrade, Tolmin, Brežice, Kranj and Koper.

5. september 2018
September 5th 2018

Geomorphological features of Lopar Peninsula (Geopark Lopar)

1. september 2018
September 1st 2018

Zimska ekskurzija po Ljubljani (2006-2010)
Winter excursion to Ljubljana (2006-2010)

31. avgust 2018
August 31st 2018

Gradnja Mesarskega mostu , obdobje od decembra 2009 - maja 2018
Construction works of Mesarskimost in Ljubljana (Butcher's Bridge over Ljubljanica River)

30. avgust 2018
August 30th 2018

Časovna ekskurzija v leto 2009, ko je stavba Kolizeja še stala
Time jump excursion in year 2009 to the building of Ljubljana "Colisseum"

29. avgust 2018
August 29th 2018

Virtualna časovna ekskurzija obnove poslopja SNG Opera in balet v Ljublani od 2007-2018
Virtual timelapse excursion of the renowal of the Slovene national Theatre in Ljubljana (2007-2018)

25. avgust 2018
August 25th 2018

WW2: Slovenska vojna partizanska bolnica Franja
Partisan war hospital Franja

22. avgust 2018
August 22nd 2018

Spominska soba v Topolšici je posvečena podpisu enega od štirih delnih podpisov kapitulacije nemške vojske.
Memorial room in Topolšica is consecrated to the signing of one of four partial capitulations of German army.

5. avgust 2018
August 5th 2018

Normandija Obala Omaha in Nemška topovska obrambna linija, del Atlantskega zida pri Longues Sur-Mer
Normandy Omaha Beach and Le Chaos battery at Longues sur Mer

4. avgust 2018
August 4th 2018

Fascist Italy extermination concentration camp Kampor on island Rab (Adriatic) was one of the several Italian concentration camps and was established during World War II, in July 1942.

22. julij 2018
July 22nd 2018

18. julij 2018
July 18th 2018

6. julij 2018
July 6th 2018

Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Faculcy of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University of Ljubljana
Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo

28. junij 2018
June 28th 2018

21. juniij 2018
June 21st 2018

28. maj 2018
May 28th 2018

24. maj 2018
May 24th 2018

19. maj 2018
May 19th 2018



30. april 2018
April 30th 2018

29. april 2018
April 29th 2018

22. april 2018
April 22nd 2018

18. april 2018
April 18th 2018

17. april 2018
April 17th 2018

5. april 2018
April 5th 2018

2. april 2018
April 2nd 2018

1. april 2018
April 1st 2018

31. marec 2018
March 31st 2018

WW2: Italian concentration camp Gonars

23. marec 2018
March 23rd 2018

Vodnjak treh kranjskih rek - Robbov vodnjak
The fountain of Three Carniolian Rivers - The Robba fountain

20. marec 2018
March 20th 2018

Virtualni vodnik:
Blejski Vintgar (2013)
Virtual guide: Gorge (Bled Vintgar) of Radovna River

20. marec 2018
March 20th 2018

Blejsko jezero - "virtualno veslanje" (2015)
Lake Bled - "virtual rowing"

19. marec 2018
March 19th 2018

Županova jama se nahaja pri vasi Velike Lipljene, južno od Grosupljega, v neposredni bližini grebena Tabor, izdelana v apnencih spodnje jure. Vhod v jamo skozi Ledenico leži na nadmorski višini 410 m in je dolga 360 m ter v breznu, s katerim se konča Zadnja dvorana, doseže globino 77 m. Jamo sestavlja osem dvoran, od katerih jih je sedem dostopnih obiskovalcem. Zanje je urejena 610 m dolga krožna turistična pot.
Županova jama ("The Mayor's Cave") is located in the village of Velika Lipljena, south of Grosuplje. The cave was created in the lower Jura limestone. The entrance to the cave through the Ledenica Cave (periglacial influence) lies at the elevation of 410 m. The cave is 360 m long. It reaches the depth of 77 m at the abyss with which the Zadnja dvorana ends.

13. marec 2018
March 13th 2018

e-učenje: Centralne delavnice Ljubljana Moste / SŽ - VIT Slovenske železnice - vleka in tehnika. Specializirana delavnica za vzdrževanje elektro vlečnih vozil. SŽ - Vleka in tehnika nudi storitve vleke vlakov, vzdrževanja železniških vozil in tehnično vagonske dejavnosti.
e-learning: Railway Central Workshop Ljubljana-Moste ). There is a specialised workshop for the maintenance of electro-traction vehicles. / SŽ - VIT provides an array of railway services ranging from train traction and maintenance of the rolling stock to technical wagon activity.

10. marec 2018
March 10th 2018

e-učenje: Premogovnik Velenje
Velenje Coalmine

24. februar 2018
February 24th 2018

22. februar 2018
February 22nd 2018

11. februar 2018
February 11th 2018

9. februar 2018
February 9th 2018

Hrastovlje (cerkev sv. Trojice) 2010
Hrastovlje (
church of Holly Trinity) 2010

7. februar 2018
February 7th 2018

2. februar 2018
February 2nd 2018

Alma, ribiško mesto ob Fundijskem zalivu, New Brunswick
Alma, fishing village at Bay of Fun dy, New Brunswick

2. februar 2018
February 2nd 2018

31. januar 2018
January 31st 2018

24. januar 2018
January 24th 2018

8. januar 2018
January 8th 2018

Muzej Velenje
. Afriška zbirka Františka Foita. Zbirko sestavljajo predmeti, ki jih je v petindvajsetih letih bivanja v Afriki zbral in Velenju poklonil češki akademski kipar František Foit.
Velenje Museum. African collection of František Foit. The collection is composed of objects gathered by Czech academic sculptor František Foit during his 25 years in Africa.

5. januar 2018
January 5th 2018

Muzej premogovništva SLovenije (2004 - 2012)
Coalmine museum of Slovenia

2. januar 2018
January 2nd 2018

The castle of Hluboká

28. december 2017
December 28th 2017

Nekdanji rudnik živega srebra v Idriji - Antonijev rov. (pripravljeno za "cardboard").
The mercury mine in Idrija was the second largest mercury mine in the world and one of the oldest mines in Europe with the continuous production since 1490.
