Arête is a sharp rugged mountain ridge inbetween two glacial shaped valleys, produced by glaciation.
It is typically formed when two glaciers erode parallel U-shaped valleys. Arêtes can also form when two glacial cirques erode headwards towards one another, although frequently this results in a saddle-shaped pass, called a col. The edge is then sharpened by freeze-thaw weathering, and the slope on either side of the arête steepened through mass wasting events and the erosion of exposed, unstable rock. The word arête (French: is actually French for "edge" or "ridge"; similar features in the Alps are often described with the German equivalent term Grat.
Where three or more cirques meet, a pyramidal peak is created; an example is the peak of Matterhorn mountain.

Arête je ozek skalnat greben med dvema ledeniškima dolinama.
Tipični nastanek je, ko ledeniki erodirajo dve vzporedni ledeniški dolini v obliki črke U. Arêtes se lahko oblikujejo tudi, ko dve ledeniški krnici erodirata z glavo ena proti drugi, čeprav pogosto to povzroči prehod v obliki sedla, imenovan COL. Rob med dolinana se nato izostri z s perigacialnim delovanjem, naklon na obeh straneh arête pa postane strmejši. Beseda arête izhaja iz francoščine in pomeni"rob" ali "greben"; podobne značilnosti v Alpah so pogosto opisane z nemškim enakovrednim izrazom "Grat".
Kjer se srečajo tri ali več krnic, nastane piramidalni vrh; zgled je vrh gore Matterhorn.