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Balkans and the “Balkan peninsula”…geographically speaking it doesn′t exist. There are only some “plays” where that peninsula is. The discrepancy occurred after 1918 when Serbian geographers started to use Balkan with the goal to expand Serbia to the West. The concept of the Balkan and Balkan peninsula was created by the German geographer August Zeune in 1808, who mistakenly considered it as the dominant central mountain system of Southeast Europe spanning from the Adriatic Sea to the Black Sea. The term Balkan was intended to replace the French name Europe Turkiye, the area which was military and politically controlled by Ottomans. So when someone uses the term Balkan country that would mean that it is still controlled by Turkiye. The only Balkan country nowadays is the European part of Turkiye. Example…Greece can not be a Balkan country as it is an independent country… so the use is obsolete and is only with the historical meaning…like "Balkan Wars". Literature and the “cabinet” geographers need to review that term. Examples are Wikipedia and even Britannica…the copy-cated term with no understanding of it and its etymology made is “it seems real” - we would call that nowadays “fake news”. It was replaced with the term South-East Europe. |
Balkan in “Balkanski polotok”…geografsko gledano ne obstaja. Tam, kjer naj bi bil ta polotok, je le nekaj »geografskih preigravanj«. Do uporabe tega izraza je prišlo po letu 1918, ko so srbski geografi začeli uporabljati Balkan z namenom širitve Srbije na zahod. Koncept Balkana in Balkanskega polotoka je ustvaril nemški geograf August Zeune leta 1808, ki ga je zmotno štel za prevladujoč osrednji gorski sistem jugovzhodne Evrope, ki sega od Jadranskega do Črnega morja- območje današnje Bolgarije (Gorovje Stara gora). Izraz Balkan naj bi nadomestil francosko ime Evropska Turčija, območje, ki so ga vojaško in politično nadzorovali Otomani. Torej, ko nekdo uporabi izraz balkanska država, bi to pomenilo, da je še vedno pod nadzorom Turčije. Edina balkanska država je danes evropski del Turčije. Primer...Grčija ne more biti balkanska država, saj je neodvisna država...zato je uporaba zastarela in ima samo zgodovinski pomen...kot "Balkanske vojne". Literatura in "kabinetni" geografi morajo pregledati ta izraz. Primera sta Wikipedia in celo Britannica ... kopiran izraz brez razumevanja in njegove etimologije je "zdi se resničen" - danes bi temu rekli "lažne novice". Nadomestil ga je izraz Jugovzhodna Evropa. Balkan se zaradi nerazumevanje etimologije tudi napačno interpretira v šolski literaturi, kar ustvarja "domino efekt", podobno kot je npr. nastal izraz QUIZ, vendar s politično škodljivim vplivom. Zgled "Zahodni Balkan" ...tako območje geografsko ne obstaja oziroma bi se lahko uporabil za zahodno območje gorovja Stara gora ali zahodni del evropsklefga dela današnje Turčije. |
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