Boštjan Burger

Slapovi Slovenije (1993-1998) Waterfalls of Slovenia

Slovenija|SLAPOVI SLOVENIJE - waterfalls


V Sloveniji je še mnogo drobnih in turistično neizkoriščenih zanimivosti. Slikoviti mlin, šumelišče Radulje in topli izvir z bazenčkom prav gotovo sodita mednje. Dostop: Iz Šmarjete vodi cesta proti severu. Po kilometru je most čez Raduljo. Takoj za mostom zavijemo na levi odcep. S ceste se vidi cerkev Sv. Marije. Če nadaljujemo pot do cerkve in naprej do križišča, moramo takoj za križiščem zaviti navzdol na levo, dokler ne pridemo do mlina. Do toplega izvira in šumelišča je le 100 m pešpoti.

In Slovenia is a plenty of interesting and not (well) promoted touristic destinations. Nice country with thermal springs, ochards lying on the rolling hills and with the hidden nature feature: hot spring with the pool by the whitewaters of Radulja.

How to come there? From famous thermal springs: Šmarješke toplice to the settlement Šmarjeta. Hot spring and whitewaters are not marked on the map, so the best way is to ask for the road to the Radulja river and the castle Klevevž or even better for a church Sv. Marija. After the bridge over the Radulja is a road turn to the left. Church Sv. Marija could be seen from the road. Follow the road to the church and foward to the crossroads, then turn left to the water-mill. The destination is only 2 km northern from the Šmarjeta.

The water-mill at the river Radulja. About 100 metres far from the whitewaters and the hot spring. After the wooden bridge, on the right is a path to the hot spring.

Mlin ob Radulji. Takoj čez leseni mostič je 100 m stezice do toplega izvira.

Hot spring. Contrast between the landscape covered with the snow (60 cm) and the surroundings of the hot spring is obvious.

Topli izvir. Razlika med zasneženo pokrajino (60 cm) in okolico toplega izvira je očitna.

Waterfall of the Radulja river. Height 5 metres (15 feet) It is only 5 m distance from the hot spring.

Šumelišče rečice Radulje. Skupna višina : 5m. Od toplega izvira do Radulje je le 5 m.

Along the right bank leads a path thru the ravine.

Ob desnem bregu vodi potka skozi grapo.

Slovenija|SLAPOVI SLOVENIJE - waterfalls

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Digitalizacija dediščine: (c) Boštjan Burger, (1993) 1996-2025