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Radio Community but not Community Radio
Domžale, 20. junij 2007, ~
12:16. - Kateri medij ima najdaljšo zgodovino povezovanja ljudi v "isti
trenutek"? Najvrjetneje je to radijski program... in še zmeraj je popularen
in popularnost celo raste. Prostorska slika prikazuje studijo Radija HIT
(95,6 Mhz), ki je eden najbolj populranih radijskih postaj v Sloveniji
- pravzaprav je že drugo leto zapored najbolj populrarna radiska postaja
v državi, ki povezuje preko 80.000 ljudi vsak dan.
Zvok v ozadju, ki ga slišite je "zvok za sceno" - to kar ne slišite ko poslušate radijo.... |
June 20th 2007, ~ 12:16 - What is the media which has
the longest history of joining the community together in a real time? Most
probably it is the radio broadcasting...and it is still popular and even
growing. The pano displays the 'air' studio of Radio HIT (95,6Mhz) which
is one of the most popular radio stations in Slovenia - actually it is
the second year the most popular radio station in the country connecting
the community of over 80.000 people every and each day all over Slovenia.
Sound background is "behind the scene" - that what you don't hear when listening the radio... another community... |
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Za prikaz celozaslonskih prostorskih slik je potreben pravilno nameščen
Quick Time
Quick Time need to be instaled |