Boštjan Burger - Burger Landmarks



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Virtualni muzej arhitekturnih del Jožeta Plečnika :: VIRTUAL MUSEUM

The Northern City Park, located just behind the Ljubljana Railway Station, between the Vilharjeva ulica, Železna cesta, and Linhartova ulica streets, consists of several functionally different parts including the beautiful Navje Memorial Park, a strolling area, and a children's playground, which combine into a pleasant, visitor-friendly retreat. The Navje Memorial Park, landscaped between 1937 and 1938, consists of a renovated pavilion of an earlier date and a park surrounding it. The park was designed by the architects Jože Plečnik and Ivo Spinčič and landscaped by Anton Lap. In the 18th century, the sites of the park and the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre next to it were occupied by a cemetery. In 1936, most of the graves were moved to their present location, the Žale Cemetery, and the remains of a number of famous Slovenians were moved to what was to become the Navje Memorial Park. Some of the tombstones were placed in an arcaded classicist building, others were placed along the cemetery wall or scattered across the park's area. One of the few graves that were not moved to the Žale Cemetery in 1936 is the grave of the architect Jože Plečnik's parents. The Navje Memorial Park's present appearance dates from after the Second World War, when four columns originally intended for use in the construction of the building housing the Ljubljana Music Society were erected in the Navje Memorial Park to a design by Jože Plečnik. In 2001, the Navje Memorial Park was designated a monument of national importance.Literature and source:

  •, besedilo U. Črnigoj,
  • Bajuk, M. 1940: Navje / sestavil M. Bajuk. Ljubljana,
  • Mole, R. 1940: Navje. Naš Bežigrad: v luči zgodovine, kulture, gospodarstva, 72–78 (uredila Fajdiga, V. in Jesenovec, F. ). Ljubljana,
  • Piškur, M. , Žitko, S. 1997: Ljubljansko Navje. Ljubljana,
  • Opis enote nepremične kulturne dediščine, evidenčna številka 383". Register kulturne dediščine, Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije,
  • Prelovšek, D. 1993: Navje. Enciklopedija Slovenije. Zv. 7: Marin-Nor, str. 346. Ljubljana,
  • Škof, M. , Prelovšek, D. , Mahnič, J. , Narobe, K. 1989: Navje: vredni nevenljivega spomina. Ljubljana.

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