NUK- Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica. Stavba Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice je bila zgrajena na mestu poznorenesančnega knežjega dvorca, ki je bil močno poškodovan v potresu leta 1895 in ga je zato bilo potrebno porušiti. Načrt za knjižnico je začel pripravljati arhitekt Jože Plečnik že leta 1927. Temelji za gradnjo so bili položeni leta 1936. Gradnja knjižnice "svetišča duhovnosti", kot jo je pojmoval Plečnik je bila dokončna malo pred pričetkom druge svetovne vojne v Sloveniji leta 1941. V tlorisu je knjižnica v obliki trapeza s štirimi trakti, ki obdajajo notranje dvorišče. Vmesni stopniščni trakt v črnem marmorju in peristil z 32 marmornimi stebri povezuje glavni vhod iz Turjaške ulice z veliko čitalnico. Velika čitalnica ima 240 sedežev in je priljubljena predvsem med študenti, saj v njej najdejo 'zatočišče' za svoj študij. Notranjost knjižnica se ponaša z lepo in obrtniško izdelano opremo. Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica (NUK) je najpomembnejše Plečnikovo delo v Ljubljani.
The National and University Library building was built in the year of 1936 on the site of the former Auersperg Palace, which suffered severe damage from the earthquake in the year of 1895, therefore it had to be demolished. Architect Jože Plečnik started to design the library in 1927. The initial groundwork and the construction started in year of 1936. The construction of the "sanctuary of the spirit", as envisioned by the architect Plecnik was finished before the beginning of the second WW. The building is a four story and four wing, in the shape of an irregular rectangle with two small inner courts. The exterior surface was made from various materials such as bricks and stone blocks of different sizes. In the interior is a number of excellent architectural details, made of marble, bronze or wood. The main reading room is a popular with students and seats 240. The National and University Library building is the most monumental creation of Slovenian architect Joze Plečnik.